Many people view their pool as an oasis of relaxation and unwinding, yet it’s essential to remember that they can also become breeding grounds for algae and harmful bacteria. To combat this problem, it’s wise to regularly clean your pool using an environmentally-safe cleaner such as Aquabot; otherwise seek professional guidance when selecting one as they will be able to assist with finding the appropriate product for your pool.
Colonial period Singapore had long viewed swimming as an exclusive activity reserved for the rich. After independence was achieved in 1965, however, a bold pledge by Singapore’s PAP government to bring modernity and swimming to all was made; pools were constructed at public residential estates to help break down social gentrification lines while simultaneously building its credentials as a progressive government.
Yeo quickly transformed Singapore Pools from an antiquated business with traditional counter service customer touchpoints into an agile, digitally empowered operation. He and his team focused on modernising its customer-facing apps and websites as well as developing a mobile betting platform which allowed customers to sign up, manage accounts and place wagers online.
As a result, they were able to provide customers with a more seamless and convenient experience while providing an alternative to illegal gambling channels. Since 2008, their lineup of products has expanded considerably; including Toto – a six-out-of-49 state lottery game; Singapore Sweep – a seven-digit sweepstake held monthly; 4D – four-digit sports betting game and motorsport and horse racing wagers as part of their portfolios.
Singapore Pools has taken steps to protect its players’ privacy by only permitting authorized individuals access to player profiles and E-Tickets. Any unauthorized use could constitute breach of confidentiality, which can lead to legal action being taken against those involved. In such instances, immediately inform Singapore Pools as soon as your profile or E-Tickets have been compromised by third parties.
Your winnings can be collected by visiting any Singapore Pools outlet, PayNow bank account (for amounts under $5,000) or at their main branch for cheque collection (for amounts above $5,000). For prize amounts exceeding $20,000, please visit between 8am-4.30pm Monday-Fridays except Public Holidays from Mondays through Fridays between 8am to 4.30pm to collect them – please bring along a valid ticket, original photo identification and bank statement to verify you as the winner.
If you would like more information about SGPP pools, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our customer service representatives will always be glad to assist!