Using the Domino Effect to Create a Great Story

Dominoes are small rectangular blocks used for gaming. Depending on the game, dominoes may be used either to block or score; typically made of wood or bone but some sets include plastic versions as well. Each domino usually measures twice its width with two square ends marked by an arrangement of dots called “pips,” while their backs may be blank or identically patterned – typically 28 tiles in total make up a set of dominoes known as a deck or pack.

Hevesh began making domino art at 10 years old and posted her creations online via YouTube. Since then, her video videos have amassed over 2 million subscribers, as she is now a professional domino artist with installations at movies, TV shows and events including Katy Perry album launches involving hundreds of thousands of dominoes that may take several minutes before they topple over.

When creating a story, using the domino effect as a tool can help create an engaging plot. Ask yourself this question: what happens next? To answer this query effectively: consider how each scene logically connects to those before.

Step one is to set out all of the scenes for your story and examine them like dominoes; do they logically connect and push forward your character through his/her emotional journey? If not, changes need to be made.

Peter Monaghan realized early in his company’s existence that pizza delivery could be an excellent way to take advantage of America’s growing love affair with this dish. To take full advantage of this trend, he placed Domino’s pizzerias near college campuses where students would likely appreciate an expedient meal option.

Domino’s sales surged. By the end of the decade, it had more than 200 locations nationwide.

One of the primary complaints from Domino’s customers was late delivery. To address this problem, in 2013 CEO Dominic Doyle introduced a new delivery system which allowed customers to place orders via text message or an Amazon Echo device – it quickly proved itself and helped accelerate company growth even faster than before. This new Domino’s system proved itself immensely popular with customers and helped facilitate even faster growth than previously imagined.

Many people enjoy lining up dominoes in long rows and then knocking them over, and many even play domino games. Did you know that just one domino can actually cause something one and a half times larger to fall over? Watch this video for more on how dominoes work and the domino effect.